Once the Taj Mahal was one of thesever wonder of the world. Still it is of the most beautiful building of theworld. One day with my uncle I wished to see the building. We saw the vied ofthe Taj Mahal from the train at a distance. It looks grand and impressive. Wewent on a rickshaw.  It is of red stone.It is called Buland Darwaja.
            Wenow saw the Taj Mahal from there. It was a white building made of whit marble.We went by paths made of marble slabs. Between these paths were cisterns andfountains. Fish of all colors leaped about in them. There we saw lawns andtrees on both the sides, with high walls and building at the end.
            TheTaj is built on a high terrace made of marble. We climbed a few steps and sawthe big terrace in the center of which stands the Taj. There are four hightowers at the four corners. Now I saw the beauty of Taj. I never though of so.There are verses from Quran written in black mosaic at the three side of thegate. It is really a great work of art. I was puzzled to see its greatness andglory.
            Nowwe went in. there is a broad circular gallery all round the building. I wasastonished to see the filigree work and carving in the marble. In the center,there were two tombs of Shahjahan and hid drear queen, Mumtaz Mahal. But I cameto know that they were not tombs. The real tombs were down stairs. We wentthere and found that they were exactly like the others tombs above. Verses ofQuran were written on the tomb of the queen. The slab over emperor was bare. Iwondered to see the mosaic work of art on all sides.
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