Windows Defender 1.1.1593

Windows Defender 1.1.1593

Microsoft Corporation - 4.95MB (Freeware)
Windows Defender is software that helps protect your computer against pop-ups, slow performance, and security threats caused by spyware and other unwanted software by detecting and removing known spyware from your computer. Windows Defender features Real-Time Protection, a monitoring system that recommends actions against spyware when it's detected, minimizes interruptions, and helps you stay productive.
The benefits of installing Windows Defender include:

  • Spyware detection and removal
  • Improved Internet browsing safety
  • Protection against the latest threats
Windows Defender is enhanced by SpyNet, a community that brings Windows Defender users together to identify and share information about spyware. This community reports potential threats identified by the Windows Defender real-time system agents to the SpyNet servers, which catalog and update the system to help protect you from new spyware threats.

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